Cotuit-Santuit Civic Association

May 2024 President’s Corner

May is a very big month for the Cotuit Fire District (CFD): Two district meetings, a district election, and the Civic Association’s Candidates and Budget night.

On Saturday, May 4, 1:00 p.m. at the Cotuit Federated Church, there will be a special district meeting to vote on two articles related to the Cotuit elementary school property: one article from the Prudential committee and one article from a citizens’ petition. You must be present to vote.

On Tuesday, May 21, 7:30 p.m. at Freedom Hall, the Civic Association hosts its annual Candidates and Budget night. This is your opportunity to hear the CFD officials review their proposed budgets and warrant articles prior to the annual district meeting, which takes place the following week.

You will also be able to hear from and ask questions of the candidates who will stand for CFD election on Tuesday, May 28. Voting is open from 4-8 p.m. at Freedom Hall or by absentee ballot. Ballots are available at the Fire Station.

On Wednesday, May 29, 7:30 p.m. at Freedom Hall, the CFD’s annual district meeting will take place. At this meeting you will be voting on CFD’s next fiscal year budget for the Fire Department, Water Department, Freedom Hall, Street lights, and finance department personnel salaries (treasurer, assistant treasurer, and clerk). Again, you must attend to vote.

If you have any questions, please email me at the address below. I hope to see you at all the meetings. Please come introduce yourself. I would love to meet you!

Carol Zais, President

Read more in the latest issue of the Cotuit Currents

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