Welcome to our overview of the Cotuit Fire District (CFD), which governs our Fire Department, Water Department, and Financial Oversight as an independent municipality separate from the Town of Barnstable. This guide is designed to give you a better understanding of how the Cotuit Fire District works and fits within the broader governance structure. We encourage your active participation so you can help shape the future of our community!

Main Street at the intersection of School Street, Fran Parks Collection

CFD Governance Structure

A Fire District is a specific type of municipal entity separate from the Town of Barnstable governance, created to address unique local needs. Unlike the Town of Barnstable, which has a centralized police department serving the seven villages, fire districts like CFD provide local control over fire and water services serving only the village of Cotuit.

There are nine elected officials that compose three committees with three elected officials per committee:


Set Policy and Oversee the Fire-Fighting and Paramedical Staffs of the Fire Department


Set Policy and Oversee the Staff of the Water Department Ensuring Safe and Clean Water


Oversees the Finances of the Fire District and Helps Shape its Priorities and Planning

Each year, one commissioner from each of these committees is elected for a three year term on a rotating basis and all are compensated $1,250 per year for their public service. The CFD elections take place the day before the Annual District Meeting (ADM), held on the last Wednesday of May at 7:30pm. See Candidate’s & Budget Night for more information.

Additional roles in the CFD include an elected Moderator who “shall preside at all District meetings and shall have the powers of the Moderator of the Town Meeting and conduct all District meetings using the Handbook of Parliamentary Law entitled Town Meeting Time for rules governing procedure.” A Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer are appointed by the Prudential Committee to maintain the District’s accounts and reports annually to our citizens, and a Clerk (also appointed by the Prudential Committee) to publish legal notices as required, record the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, and prepare the Annual Report.

A list of current officials is on the Contact page of the CFD website.

Meetings and Elections

Each board of Commissioners meets monthly and these meetings are open to the public and public comment is allowed at the beginning and end of each meeting. Following the Commonwealth’s Open Meeting Law, all meetings and agendas are required to be posted 48 hours in advance on the CFD website (cotuitfiredistrict.org) along with minutes and recordings shortly after.

Great care is taken by all Fire District officials to observe the Commonwealth’s Open Meeting Law, the full text of which is available at the District Office. Robert’s Rules of Order are followed at meetings of the three elected bodies but not at the Annual District Meeting which follows Town Meeting Times Rules.

At the ADM, registered voters of Cotuit vote on expenditures and budgets for the coming fiscal year for the maintenance of local services outlined by the Annual Warrant (see the latest here).

You must be present to vote.

Citizens may petition to add articles to the Warrant for voting at the ADM and, along with the Prudential Committee, may call a Special District Meeting (SDM) for articles that arise between ADMs that require a CFD vote. The district by-laws set out specific rules that govern the SDM and petition articles, the full text of which can be found on the Cotuit Fire District website.

The Annual District Meeting is typically held at Freedom Hall

Participation and Engagement

Engagement is the soul of governance. We urge you to stay informed through the CFD website (cotuitfiredistrict.org), attend meetings, watch recorded sessions, and make your voice heard in elections to ensure our community’s continued wellbeing. Monthly commissioner meetings are open to the public with opportunities for you to voice your thoughts at the beginning and end of each session.

Our organization, the Cotuit-Santuit Civic Association exists to furnish Cotuit residents with a forum for the discussion of matters of civic concern and to provide a means to address those concerns in ways that will serve the best interest of the CFD.

Become a member, read our monthly newsletter, Cotuit Currents, which includes local events and CFD updates, and get involved. The Cotuit Fire District, in its essence, captures the quiet determination and steadfast dedication of its people. Through understanding and participation, we can ensure our district remains a pillar of strength and service in our beloved village.

Town of Barnstable Governance

The Town of Barnstable (ToB) is governed by a council-manager form of government in accordance with its Home Rule Charter, adopted in the spring of 1989. Cotuit is made up of three voting precincts: 5, 7, and 12. Most voters reside in Precinct 7.

ToB provides such services as police, K-12 schools, DPW, senior services, conservation, recreation, libraries and more. After revenues are collected by the ToB via Real Estate Taxes, the funds are returned to the CFD and added as revenue in the CFD’s annual budget. See example of tax bill below with the CFD portion, as Cotuit Resident, line item highlighted.

Additional Resources

Cotuit Fire District Website (cotuitfiredistrict.org)
District By-Laws (cotuitfiredistrict.org)
FY25 Annual District Meeting Warrant (cotuitfiredistrict.org)
Cotuit Fire District YouTube Channel (youtube.com)
Town of Barnstable Website (townofbarnstable.us)
History of the Prudential Committee (cotuitfiredistrict.org)
The Open Meeting Law (mass.gov)
Robert’s Rules of Order (robertsrules.com)
Citizen’s Guide to Town Meetings (sec.state.ma.us)