After a winter of Mother Nature and careless litterbugs, the Village is wanting a Spring cleaning. Since 2018, the Civic Association has annually rallied and equipped dozens of volunteers, young and old (and a few in between) to meet the call.
You’d be amazed at how much litter builds up along our byways over a year. Empty nips and beer cans are the most “popular” discards to be found nestled in the roadside greenery. The CSCA deploys squads of intrepid picker-uppers to all corners of the Village, from the Lowell Park registration desk.
Well-supplied with gloves, grabbers, bags, and safety vests, these many dozen of volunteers scour every nook and cranny of our roadsides. Many hands making light work, in just a few hours the place is cleaner than Disneyland!
Beaches being one of Cotuit’s most valued assets, the Association, in parallel with the roadside clean-up, sends out teams to tidy up the seaside with shovels, rakes, barrels, and determination after a season of Winter Storms. In recent years, Riley’s Beach sands have been heaped with shells which would make for very uncomfortable sitting, lying, and walking, if not for these thorough clean-ups. The young men of Boy Scout Troop 52 have generously provided much of the muscle and the Town of Barnstable DPW has supported these efforts with dump trucks to cart off the refuse.
Come out and enjoy the fun!